Our Team
Each staff writer begins their year-long experience by attending the Curious Science Writers Boot Camp to learn the fundamentals of science writing and communications. Then, with help from a professional writing mentor, participants write and submit one article about their chosen story topic. Students are taught to write in a clear and compelling way, using language that is accessible to the average reader. Completed stories are then published on the cSw website throughout the upcoming academic year.
The Student Editorial Team includes Team Editors, Graphic Designers and Social Media Coordinators. Students in these roles normally go through the program as a writer before being considered for an advanced position. Each Team Editor works with their assigned writers to brainstorm story angles, edit and polish stories. Graphic Designers work with authors to create eye-catching cover and story art. Social Media Coordinators partner with writers to creatively promote newly published articles.
One of the most important aspects of the Curious Science Writers program is the opportunity to have genuine science communications writing experiences. Mentoring by professional science communicators is essential in making this possible. Each participant is matched with a professional science communications mentor who guides, advises and encourages their student to learn, be inspired and achieve their goals.
Content Experts
Following the Curious Science Writers Boot Camp, Content Experts – including scientists and patients – are sought out by participating students to provide important perspectives on researched topics. These experts are frequently quoted in stories and offer guidance and expertise. We are grateful to our Content Experts, along with our other volunteers, who generously donate their time and talent to help train tomorrow’s communicators.